Title Research: (Panic Room)


Hey y'all! Today I will be analyzing and researching my first Title sequence. This title sequence is called "Panic Room" and this thriller was released in 2002. 

  1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequence
  • The names of the main Actors and Actress's
  • Costume designer
  • Musicians
  • Film editors
  • Production Designer
  • Director of Photography
  • Producers
  • Writer
  • Director

2.  What images are prioritized throughout the scene?

The opening scene uses images of buildings in the city. it's different angles of buildings that look similar and it feels like the audience it traveling throughout the city. Finally, the last clip lowers the angle and shows characters walking to a destination.

3. How does the film establish the feeling of the genre?

The film makes the audience feel curious from looking at the different angles of the buildings and city. Additionally, the background music helps to build up the suspense being that it the non-diegetic sound feels so tense. Lastly, the titles are so big in each clip but they seem like a big power. 

Bye, Pookiess!


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