Production Blog


Hey y'all! Today I started another day of the production process for my music video. I decided to start on planning the different costume and prop ideas that I want for this video. The first costume idea that I have is a white crop top and blue cargo pants. Another costume idea that I have is an all white dress. In general, I know that whatever clothing that I pick for my outfits, one of the outfits will include cargo pants. I want the overall theme for my outfits to both include fancy and comfortable outfits. I want to see which costumes look better with my settings. For this reason, I decided that tomorrow will be the day that I record in at least one of the costumes. I decided for my props that I want to include glasses. I decided to use my actual glasses as the prop. My actual glasses are clear and match some of my outfits.. Now, either tomorrow or the day after I will test out this prop with choreography. Also, I had a few flags laying around the house that represent different cultures. My family is personally Jamaican so I decided to included that flag with some other ones. In addition, this will be another prop that I will test on either tomorrow or the day after. For the hairstyles, I want to include different types of styles. I want my extra people and myself to be able to freely express themselves with their hair. Also, for the shoes I do not have any preference. Lastly, for the makeup it will be more natural in some clips and a full glam in other clips. I do not mind any full faces of makeup for the extra people but I know light makeup will be used. Today was fun and I hope you enjoyed the process. Well that is it for today!

 Bye, Pookiees!


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